Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4 - How Did I Use New Media Technologies?

during this project i used lots of differently media platforms, some of which i have never used before.
the software i used is :

  • Final Cut Pro - edidting and exporting the video
  • Adobe after effects - generating effects and animation
  • Adobe Photoshop -editing the flower (beginning of the video) and creating the Digipak and Full Page Add
  • Flash - animating the stars to make a smiley face
  • iPhoto - importing and sorting my footage
  • MPEG Streamclip - changing the format of my footage into an easily editable format
  • microsoft word -writing notes, shotlist and shooting schedule etc. and spell checking my blog posts.
  • microsoft powerpoint - presentations to class
  • iPad apps - certain bits were filmed on the iPad. The cover image of the digipak and the image on the inner squares were created using a panorama app that i bought.
  • Safari/Google Chrome - these were the two internet browsers i used any time i needed internet access (uploading for youtube, emailing work, tutorials etc)
  • Blogger - i used blogger to keep my coursework in one place for my teacher and examiner to mark.
  • YouTube - this is where i uploaded my videos to put on the blog or show people for feedback. i also used this to find tutorial videos for anything i didn't know how to do.
  • iTunes - to download the song

  • PC mac - what i used at school to transfer footage from the camera.
  • macbook (borrowed) - i used this to edit
  • laptop - this is my personal laptop that i used for my original research and planning.
  • canon 550D - this is the camera i used for almost all of my filming.
  • iPad - I used my iPad for several things. initial research and planning, storing notes and plans, filming and youtube tutorials.
  • phone - filming, taking photos, (how to get to filming locations) and playing the song so my artist can be in time to the music.

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