Wednesday 12 December 2012

Task 7 - Marketing Context

DRAFT my music video will be partly promoted by the digipak

Digipak - blue and green world setting, circles, natural image with a bit of surreal quality through the character of the artist (repeated images) - want to add a 'space' shot - purpose is to create an image for the album, and be a collectable item, of fan memorabilia, give info and intrigue about the artist

Music Video - setting, green colour, surrealism - transitions, effects (flashing), images of the world/globe - direct ad for one track.  doesn't have to be the same message as the song on its own - can add to/distort the original music.  can tap into this to build the sense of surrealism.

Website - keep the colour theme - got to be easy to navigate but this could be a kind of space/world journey to continue the theme and obviously this is a display board for the other two products - can sell the digipak and showcase the video including link to youtube channel

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