Wednesday 12 December 2012

Task 7 - Marketing Context

DRAFT my music video will be partly promoted by the digipak

Digipak - blue and green world setting, circles, natural image with a bit of surreal quality through the character of the artist (repeated images) - want to add a 'space' shot - purpose is to create an image for the album, and be a collectable item, of fan memorabilia, give info and intrigue about the artist

Music Video - setting, green colour, surrealism - transitions, effects (flashing), images of the world/globe - direct ad for one track.  doesn't have to be the same message as the song on its own - can add to/distort the original music.  can tap into this to build the sense of surrealism.

Website - keep the colour theme - got to be easy to navigate but this could be a kind of space/world journey to continue the theme and obviously this is a display board for the other two products - can sell the digipak and showcase the video including link to youtube channel

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Task 3 - Synthpop music video examples - La Roux

The following images are from La Roux's video - 'I'm Not Your Toy'

For the majority of the song, the artist is performing to a somewhat estranged audience. The shots of her performing show her enthusiasm for what she does and give the audience a glimpse of her talent.

Task 3 - Synthopo Music Video Example - Lights

The following images are from Lights' music video 'Ice':

Close ups of her face with wind blowing in her hair is a very common convention of a pop video, usually used to show the artist's passion as they sing and adds a dramatic edge to the video.

Blue is the colour for babies and shows Lights to be sweet  innocent.

The 'dark side' of her personality, dressed all in black with a hoodie and her hair covers her face which connotes danger and mystery.  Her smile is a 'bad girl' smile, like she is planning mischief.

casually sitting on the sofa playing her electric keytar. the instrument shows she is quirky and possibly a bit of a hiptster. she is wearing grey and white to show she is pure, innocent an cool.

This shot shows Lights is a powerful, confident and energetic woman. Orange flame connotes enflamed passion, energy, and being generally amazing

The 'Evil' Lights is shown to be quite small in this shot which, along with the song says being bad doesnt make you a bigger person.

It is very common for a music video to have a message or moral. In this clip her "dark side' is reaching for the good side which suggests she is in control of her darker thoughts and is able to overrule it and make the right decisions. The moral in this case is 'you can be bad, but you can control yourself and be good.'

Similarly to La Roux's music video, there are plenty of special effects which you would expect in a synthpop video. 

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Task 8 - Ideas About Representation

I want my artist to be represented as being very 'normal' and not the typical famous music artist with designer clothes and lots of money with his own chauffeur etc. Luc will also be represented as being a down to earth, good guy and because the song is about being creative and setting your mind free he will also have to be a little eccentric.

To convey my representations in the music video my artist will be dressed in dark jeans, a white jumper, a long jacket and a mustard coloured scarf. The dark jeans and the long, black coat make him look like an everyday person with nothing to make him stand out which helps the audience relate to him. The jumper is white to convey purity, calm, and goodness. Finally the yellow scarf is there to add a little colour and personality to his physical look and yellow is the colour of fun, humor, intellect, creativity and personal power, all of which are are part of the meaning of the song.

Luc will also have some props to add to his representation, such as sunglasses, a book and feathers. the sunglasses show he is cool, the book shows his intellect and want for escapism, and the feathers are linked with being free. The scarf is also a prop used as an accesory, representation of the song and an interesting transition between shots.

Other ways I will convey the artist's representation is my camerawork and settings. Almost every shot will have some form of nature in it whether its a greenery, water, fire or animals. Nature is seen as relaxing and calm and a place to escape reality. The city will also be used in contrast with Luc's dreams with nature and shows him as a normal, everyday person