Tuesday 20 November 2012

Task 1 - Music Video Conventions

First of all, all music all music videos have a purpose, to promote the artist(s) but also to visually express one of their songs.

There are many different conventions of electropop as it is such a large umbrella genre. Specifically synthpop music videos, these are the conventions:
  • the artists are the main focus of the video. the whole video is centered around them as apposed to other people in different segments like a pop video.
  • singing and playing instruments. in a synthpop video it is very common for the artist to be lip-syncing to the song and/or using a synthesizer. most likely to be an electric keyboard (look at Owl City or Lights)
  • Every synthpop music video I have encountered so far is fairly eccentric and has very abstract narratives.
  • there is a very common use of visual effects and green screen. I am yet to find a video without any visual effects.

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