Wednesday 28 November 2012

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Task 4 - Other Student's Work

I have had a look at some Media blogs by other students online and I have noticed that in all music videos, the students experimented on different cuts and edits to the beat whilst I, on the other hand, have been focusing on the editing of effects rather than how I'm going to shape the actual video to the song.

Task 1 - Music Video Conventions

First of all, all music all music videos have a purpose, to promote the artist(s) but also to visually express one of their songs.

There are many different conventions of electropop as it is such a large umbrella genre. Specifically synthpop music videos, these are the conventions:
  • the artists are the main focus of the video. the whole video is centered around them as apposed to other people in different segments like a pop video.
  • singing and playing instruments. in a synthpop video it is very common for the artist to be lip-syncing to the song and/or using a synthesizer. most likely to be an electric keyboard (look at Owl City or Lights)
  • Every synthpop music video I have encountered so far is fairly eccentric and has very abstract narratives.
  • there is a very common use of visual effects and green screen. I am yet to find a video without any visual effects.

Thursday 15 November 2012


This is my Digipak:

Task 2 - Practice and Techniques

Previously, before A2 Media, I created a music video as part of my GCSE Media Studies coursework to the song 'Disturbia' by Rihanna. My current music video is very different from my previous as it is part of a different genre and isn't being used to raise drug awareness. However, from creating the video I have gained a far greater understanding of the visual effects in Final Cut Pro and how far I can go with them in my current video.

Also, I have just completed my first bit of experimental editing for my upcoming music video:

When in the final product, this shot will be about 30 seconds long and will be in 5 different locations. I will also attempt do this without using a green screen and film it on location to see if i can get the same effect without the need for excess editing.