Wednesday 24 April 2013

Task 13 - Audience Feedback on First Preview

When I first showed my first preview of my initial ideas for the video in assembly I made a short presentation, which you can see below. The presentation was a little competition between the media class for who can get the biggest audience vote and I won. This shows my audience were pleasantly pleased with what was on offer and I had very positive audience feedback.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4 - How Did I Use New Media Technologies?

during this project i used lots of differently media platforms, some of which i have never used before.
the software i used is :

  • Final Cut Pro - edidting and exporting the video
  • Adobe after effects - generating effects and animation
  • Adobe Photoshop -editing the flower (beginning of the video) and creating the Digipak and Full Page Add
  • Flash - animating the stars to make a smiley face
  • iPhoto - importing and sorting my footage
  • MPEG Streamclip - changing the format of my footage into an easily editable format
  • microsoft word -writing notes, shotlist and shooting schedule etc. and spell checking my blog posts.
  • microsoft powerpoint - presentations to class
  • iPad apps - certain bits were filmed on the iPad. The cover image of the digipak and the image on the inner squares were created using a panorama app that i bought.
  • Safari/Google Chrome - these were the two internet browsers i used any time i needed internet access (uploading for youtube, emailing work, tutorials etc)
  • Blogger - i used blogger to keep my coursework in one place for my teacher and examiner to mark.
  • YouTube - this is where i uploaded my videos to put on the blog or show people for feedback. i also used this to find tutorial videos for anything i didn't know how to do.
  • iTunes - to download the song

  • PC mac - what i used at school to transfer footage from the camera.
  • macbook (borrowed) - i used this to edit
  • laptop - this is my personal laptop that i used for my original research and planning.
  • canon 550D - this is the camera i used for almost all of my filming.
  • iPad - I used my iPad for several things. initial research and planning, storing notes and plans, filming and youtube tutorials.
  • phone - filming, taking photos, (how to get to filming locations) and playing the song so my artist can be in time to the music.

Evaluation Question 3 - What Have I Learned From My Audience Feedback?

Evaluation Question 2 - How Effective is Your Media Product?

I feel my products are all effective when combined together because the Full Page Ad promotes the album and music video whilst being the same design of the Digipak, which includes similar themes and connotations in the music video. This means all of my products work together to create a marketing campaign to promote the artist.
The Full Page Ad is effective as it is fully coloured and so is very eye-catching and get reader’s attention. There is a large off-centre image of the artist which connotes he is a little unusual (not conventional) and possibly quirky which is a desirable attribute in most young people.
My digipak is effective because it has all the usual conventions of a digipak such as a cover image, track listing, copyright information and images of the artist as well as keeping the same theme as the Full Page Ad. Also, I have used very similar imagery to Owl City (the original artist of the song), which shows I have an understanding of the music genre and artist style. Owl City tends to have a blend of natural imagery and surrealism in his products to reflect the lyrics of his songs.  Examples of his cover art:

Evaluation Question 1 - Using, Challenging and Developing Forms and Conventions

Task 5 - Lyric analysis

Monday 25 March 2013

Getting to the Finished Video

This is my first rough cut so there are a lot of gaps and bad transitions.
After my rough cut I 

After my Second rough cut it became apparent that I needed to adjust the saturation of the video clips because the backgrounds looked far too dull and cold compared to the artist who appeared to be glowing.

Full Page Ad