Monday 25 March 2013

Getting to the Finished Video

This is my first rough cut so there are a lot of gaps and bad transitions.
After my rough cut I 

After my Second rough cut it became apparent that I needed to adjust the saturation of the video clips because the backgrounds looked far too dull and cold compared to the artist who appeared to be glowing.

Full Page Ad

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Conventions of a Full Page Magazine Advert

  1. There will almost always be a central image, usually something to catch the reader's eye.
  2. the background of the ad usually has a link with the theme or colour scheme of the promoted album. for example, the advert for an album with a main colour scheme of beige will also use beige as the background
  3. the title will conventionally use the same font as the Digipak and possible include the artists logo.
  4. somewhere on the advert, there is normally the album's artwork. it doesn't need to be the full image, it may only be a section of the artwork so the audience only get  a taster.
  5. to encourage a successful awareness of the artist and their product there should be a link to either the artist's or producers website and/or information of where you can buy the album (a little logo for hmv or itunes for example). this i generally written in small at the bottom of the page.